Oct 27, 2022Liked by The Solitary Reaper

Learning the finer details of a sales/marketing career as a young man, I was taught that the one essential thing to understand in making a successful sales pitch, is to first grasp that you can sell only “Benefits.”

Speaking as a young Chancellor in this video, Rishi Sunak, whose mouth doubtfully would melt Butter, is asking us to believe a "Central Bank Digital Currency” could greatly "benefit businesses and consumers,” without so much as a hint of any difficulties whatsoever!

Once a Government becomes tied to selling the benefits of Central Banking digital currency programs, it is not hard to see how easily Governments could become puppets of strong minded world bodies like the WEF. Any government that thinks this will work with no strings attached is naive In the extreme.

Digital currencies may I am sure be very beneficial in many circumstances, but only while the digital infrastructure that makes them work operates efficiently, however, the absolute chaos they cause when they fail, something that I experienced only recently, carry no benefits whatsoever for anyone.

A whole Shopping Centre’s digital systems went down, including Postal services and unless you had cash, there was no chance of making any sort of transaction, including, taking home your weekly grocery shopping list.

Here was a case of a digital currency system failing and being good for nothing and having no benefits for anyone!

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022Author

Thank you so very much for reading this short post and for taking your time to write a detailed excellent comment.

I completely agree with you. The strings attached part is the most scary aspect of Central Bank Digital Currency. It will come with certain conditions which the governments will be required to impose on the population.

The second issue, as you have mentioned, is when the digital infrastructure fails. Everything would come to a standstill if people rely entirely on it. A couple of years ago, Commonwealth Bank's network went down. People who were queued up at the Supermarket to pay for their groceries had to return all their purchases and leave empty-handed because many did not have cash on them. I was just returning from a doctor's appointment and had to pay for the taxi. I asked the driver to wait and find some cash in my apartment to pay him. And the driver did not have change! It was a mess.

Now imagine making all money cashless and then linking it up with other "services", "utilities", "permissions" etc. Totalitarian nightmare awaits!

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