Jan 22, 2022Liked by The Solitary Reaper

My inner circle of email friends have all agreed with me since 2020 that what we are witnessing in this ‘pandemic,’ is tantamount to “War.”

What you write today in your Substack Newsletter entitled, “We are in a War,” we are in total agreement with. Be fully assured, you are NOT alone in what you think

That anyone could possibly argue that your well reasoned contention that we are at war, is not sustained by your logically listed sequence of clearly visible realities, would be a stretch too far for anyone.

‘Anyone,’ that is, not completely conditioned by the daily deluge of mass delusional misinformation saturating the airwaves, by the monopoly media conglomerates and their big tech spin-offs on social media, in league with NGOs and big government authorities.

Around the world, Australia has become a laughing stock for its draconian abuse of people’s rights, it has become the poster child sadly, of how NOT to mange a pandemic.

An utter lack of the kind of National leadership required to wisely and equitably lead a country through a critical time like this is completely missing in Australia.

So, you are right to ask, “why is Australia’s "Operation Covid Shield” run by a Military General?” What other conclusion is there, besides "We are in a War?"

On every outstanding point you highlight, we could not agree more. Congratulations on your excellent work!

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