Jul 20, 2022Liked by The Solitary Reaper

Calling your Substack Newsletter, “The Solitary Reaper,” sounds like the most appropriate name you could have chosen. I will tell you why. It is because I found by searching the internet for organisations in Australia, which support the same kind of information you provide, I came up with zero results.

Yours is the single, solitary source of information exposing vaccine anomalies and abnormalities in Australia I’ve so far found.

There may be individuals on social media who try to expose things they believe are wrong with the way Covid vaccinations are being handled in this country, however, using the following Duck Duck Go search, "Australian organisations against covid vaccination,” I found nothing resembling the kind of service you provide. There were none that I could follow to gain more information from, to follow or to support - none!

Of the first 3 or 4 pages of my internet search results, I found they were predominantly from Government sources, all pushing their pro-vaccine messages. One result that differed only slightly, claimed to be a scientific group, prolifically quoting something they called “Reset Australia.”

This organisation has a diabolical “Big brother" agenda, which is to shut social media down and stop even the littlest of people from posting what they regard as “Anti-vaccination narratives"

"A new report by Reset Australia has found that the rise in vaccine hesitancy has coincided with a 280% increase in anti-vaxx group membership on Facebook"

"To help Australian public health authorities identify anti-vaccination narratives to inform community engagement responses, Reset Australia has developed a policy that would force social media companies to generate a ‘live list’ of the most popular COVID-19-related URLs shared on their platforms."


With regard to Julian Assange, wouldn’t you hate to be an Australian in any sort of strife in another country. I can’t say I’ve heard one of the elected gutless wonders in Canberra speak up for this poor beggar. They all seem too concerned about taking care of their own hides and that’s it, full stop! Talk about being hung out to dry - it is disgraceful what has happened this gutsy Australian Journalist.

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