Jan 2, 2023Liked by The Solitary Reaper

There was no medical reason to call it a pandemic from day 1.. profiteering from panic is it’s real name..

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Early treatments existed. From day-1. Pharmaceuticals have made unbelievable profits.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by The Solitary Reaper

Yes true...I had been observing the nature of past media propergander at the time covid started, you see it all the time with constant repetition of words and phrases.. so when social distancing was repeated a billion time in the first three weeks I knew it was another planned con... added to that it was relatively easy to find info on the Diamond Princess and the logical Professor J Loannidis analysis... I work in agriculture with the climate dogma... the same fear porn exists, where they also ignore hard data and logic ... and this has been the case for the past 25 years .. so many know it’s false but chase the money..

the suppression of early treatments confirmed the con..

early treatment is a “principle” for treatment of weeds pests and diseases in ag too...so to dis that was a red flag ...

But propergander is powerful and too many just want to be told... and those like Piggy and Ralf on Lord of the Flies who face the fear get attacked by the mob...

the real challenge is getting more to see the faults

Keep up your efforts though it’s encouraging!

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thank you for taking your time to share your views. Yes, always follow the money. It was so clear from the start from dec2019 / jan2020. The witch-hunting and smearing of those who speak up has been incredible

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023Author

How nice of you to visit my blog and pass accusations without reading any of my previous work here or on any number of social media or without knowing anything about my integrity? You call me a liar, fake dissident, evil, ruling class. Parasitic trolls like you profiteering on the backs of those who put in the effort to their own personal detriment, is the problem. Take your ideological fanaticism and see yourself out.

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