Analysis of post-Pfizer Pregnancy, Birth & Breastfeeding data from Post-Marketing FOIA document
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Analysis of post-Pfizer Pregnancy, Birth & Breastfeeding data from FOIA document
Pfizer's Post-Marketing Experience data obtained via FOIA disclosure presents data on various adverse events in each category as a % of total reported adverse events. This does not reveal the total number of people who were Pfizered1 up until that point. As such, this document cannot be used to infer the frequency of occurrence of such adverse events.
HOWEVER, there are a few important details:
It appears that this report includes the data for women who were jabbed during pregnancy or while breastfeeding--EVEN if they did not suffer adverse events.
The labels (Preferred Term PT) corresponding to these events are:
"Exposure during pregnancy", "Maternal exposure during pregnancy", "Exposure via breast milk".
The data pertaining to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers can be meaningfully interpreted as we have the total numbers.
See pages-12 and 13 in the above pdf link.
I) Pregnant Women:
A total of 270 pregnant women were injected with the Pfizer vaccine during pregnancy.
Below are the stats on:
A) Post-vax condition of the pregnant women
B) Pregnancy outcome
C) Condition of babies exposed to Pfizer vax in utero.
I. A) Post-vax condition of Pregnant women:
1) 146 out of 270 pregnant women (54%) experienced NO adverse event.
2) 124 out of 270 pregnant women (46%) experienced Adverse Events — 49 (18% of total pregnant women) experienced non-serious adverse events, 75 (28% of total pregnant women) experienced serious adverse events.
3) 28% of total pregnant women suffering from severe adverse events is a significant "safety signal".
YET, Pfizer claims it has not identified any safety signal.
I.B) Pregnancy/birth outcome:
Of the 270 pregnant women who were injected with Pfizer during their pregnancy:
1) One of the 270 women was pregnant with twins. She was injected during her first trimester.
2) No pregnancy outcome was recorded for 238 pregnant women. Pregnancy outcome pending: 5. Let us assume that these 243 pregnancies went well. (Best Case Scenario)
3) 27 of the 270 pregnancy outcomes were seriously unfortunate. That is 1 in 10 pregnant women losing their babies.
Spontaneous abortion (23), Premature birth with neonatal death, Spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), Spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each). (note that 2 different outcomes were reported for each twin, and both were counted).
4) 1 in 10 pregnant women lost their babies post Pfizer vaccine. This is the best-case scenario. This IS a SAFETY SIGNAL. If this is not, then what is?
I.C) Condition of babies exposed to Pfizer vax in utero:
4 babies/foetus cases reported.
Foetal growth restriction: 2
Premature baby: 2
Neonatal death: 1
(Number of adverse events is 5, but total number of babies is 4 because one of the babies suffered two adverse events.. )

The details are recorded under "Missing Information" because there is not enough safety info for the jab in pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, frail people, people with chronic cardiac conditions, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune conditions etc.
II) Breastfeeding mothers and their babies:
This data can be meaningfully interpreted because they are reported (under the label "Exposure via Breast Milk) EVEN IF there were NO ADVERSE EVENTS.
1) There are 133 reports of women who were jabbed while breastfeeding.
2) 116 babies -- NO adverse event
3) 3 babies suffered serious adverse events. 14 babies suffered non-serious adverse events.
4) 6 out of 133 of Pfizered breastfeeding mothers suffered Adverse Events (2 of these women were assessed as "Severe"). Their adverse events include:
Breast milk discolouration, Suppressed breast milk, Breast pain, fever, chills, vomiting, nausea, headache, pain in extremities, migraine, arthralgia, malaise, Fatigue, Paresis (Slight or incomplete paralysis) etc.
3 out of 133 breastfed babies suffering serious adverse events due to their mothers being jabbed whilst breastfeeding — IS a SAFETY SIGNAL.
6 out of 133 of Pfizered breastfeeding mothers suffering Adverse Events (2 of these women were assessed as "Severe") — IS a SAFETY SIGNAL.
These CANNOT be brushed under the carpet of "background rates". Pfizer is IRRESPONSIBLE for concluding that there were no safety signals.
III) Conclusion of Analysis of Pregnancy, Birth and Breastfeeding data from Pfizer’s FOIA document:
Consider all of the above info on Pfizer injection's impact on pregnant women, outcome of pregnancies, post-birth adverse events suffered by babies exposed to Pfizer injection in utero, adverse events suffered by babies exposed to Pfizer injection via breastmilk, adverse events suffered by nursing mothers....
YET Pfizer concludes that: "There were no safety signals that emerged from the review of these cases of use in pregnancy and while breast feeding."
The following are the numbers which Pfizer claims are not safety signals:
— A total of 46% of Pfizered pregnant women suffered vax-related Adverse symptoms of which 28% of Pfizered pregnant women experienced "serious" adverse symptoms.
— 10% of Pfizered pregnant women suffered an extremely bad unfortunate pregnancy outcomes such as miscarriage, neonatal death, intrauterine death, foetal growth restriction etc. (Best Case Scenario assuming that the 243 out of 270 Pfizered pregnant women whose outcomes were not recorded, were successful).
— 13% of newborn babies exposed to Pfizer injection via breast milk suffered adverse events (11% non-serious, 2% serious).
— 4.5% (6 out of 133) of Pfizered breastfeeding mothers suffered Adverse Events (2 of these women were assessed as "Severe").
IV) Pharmacovigilance Trick:
Finely dice Adverse Events to Statistical Insignificance in favour of null hypothesis.
This is the trick which pharma and regulatory authorities use to dilute the statistical significance of adverse events in any given cohort.
They dice bad pregnancy outcomes into numerous sub-groups such that a 1 in 10 "severely bad pregnancy outcome" is now divided and scattered under 10 different labels.
This trick has been employed to hide, neglect and dismiss numerous Adverse Events. More on this in future posts.
— The Solitary Reaper
Thank You for Your valuable input! Great work. Just that concerning the 10% adverse pregnancyoutcomes after You steelmanned the case (since around 230 were unknown outcomes) are actually belie the background rate of around 13% adverse pregnancy outcomes, if i recall correctly