Technocratic BioFascism in full swing globally
Technocratic totalitarianism under the cover of caring is a global phenomenon.
Technocratic totalitarianism is being rolled out under the cover of caring. This is a global phenomenon.
The good people of Tamil Nadu have been sold out to be enslaved under a totalitarian biofascist tyranny. Google has secured a contract to take their bloods, BP, Kidney disease & Cancer at their doorstep. Going by how coercive the vax rollout has been, this terrifies me.

Google’s Sundar Pichai has treasonously betrayed the very society in which he grew up. This opens the door to collecting massive data for AI for Human Enslavement, Medical profiling, Experimentation & Iatrogenic Harm with NO accountability.

This biofascism is very similar to GenV run by Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (funded by Gates as discussed here. It’s the same deal. Medical profiling, data for Human Enslavement.
Biofascism & medical tyranny is being normalised in the name of “caring” globally.
The fact that BigTech linked with Military Industrial Prison Weapons Complex is involved in massive bio profiling of population globally is terrifying.
I always see patterns in different countries👇

My point is: NONE of this is happening in isolation in ANY country.
They trot this out under the cover of “caring” for the “3rd world”, but when you see a global pattern, it’s clear.
This is not an altruistic venture by BigTech.
The world we’re leaving for future generation 😭
Audio: Big Tech is building a biofascist state
Interview with TNT Radio’s Mike Ryan on 15 November 2022 on Technocratic BioFascism. Use it as a companion audio to the write-up as they each cover some additional info albeit discussing the same general topic.
—The Solitary Reaper
Murdoch deliberately smeared the work of Dr Andrew Wakefield and his team who questioned a connection between childhood vaccines - specifically MMR - and autism. A hack called Brian Deer was paid to destroy Wakefield’s career.