10 year old Aussie boy reported dead. 4 children dead in the 5-11 y/o age group. Pfizer's C19 injection suspected.
2 Aussie kids died of Cardiac Arrest. 2 kids died of Unspecified Adverse Events. Pfizer C19 injection suspected in all 4 cases.
24 May 2022
The Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) Database on Adverse Events Notification (DAEN) released to the public on 20 May 2022 revealed that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is suspected to have caused the death of a 10 year old boy. This record was entered into the TGA’s database on 6th May 2022.
A total of 4 Australian children in the 5-11 year old age group have been reported dead following Pfizer C19 injection.
Details of the 10 year old child from TGA’s Adverse Events Database:

Case Number: 733723
Report Entry Date: 06/05/2022
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Medicines Reported as being taken: Comirnaty COVID-19 Vaccine (Tozinameran) - Suspected
MedDRA Reaction Terms: Adverse Event Following Immunisation.
Non-Specific Adverse Events Following Immunisation:
TGA does not reveal the nature of the Adverse Event Following Immunisation which caused the death of this 10 year old boy. The TGA has done the same in the case of the 6 year old boy who was also reported to have died following Pfizer C19 injection.
This approach — of concealing the specific Adverse Event leading to death — does not aid the process of identifying Safety Signals and thus undermines The Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) Pharmacovigilance.
Unfortunately, the TGA records show that these non-specific Adverse Events is the leading cause of death following C19 injections. This is extremely concerning and speaks poorly of TGA’s commitment to monitor safety signals and it doesn’t inspire public trust in their process.
Articles on ALL reported 5-11 year old Aussie child deaths following the C19 jab. Up-to-date as of 20 May 2022.
Kindly read this article on the death of the 9 year old girl where the writer has provided a list of other relevant articles.
Deafening silence on the deaths of these Australian children...
—The Solitary Reaper
Do Australians care only about the adverse things that directly impact them? It might explain why The Solitary Reaper appears to be the only one I know putting this information out there in the public arena for all to see.
Authorities understandably, seem to be hiding this information as much as they can. None of this has made news on the bulletins I watch, which by the way, are becoming fewer and fewer! You'd think the vaccines had a 100% blemish-free record if you follow mainstream media.
Thank you Solitary Reaper for caring enough to report this, no one else seems to! There are literally thousands of young parents faced with deciding if they should have their children 'vaccinated' or not and all they hear is ONE side of this disastrous story. Excellent work!